
Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai(somtimes also written Chiangmai or Chiengmai) - the pride of the North. Dating back more than 700 years, Chiang Mai, the second largest metropolitan, next to Bangkok was originally name "Nopburi Srinakornping Chiangmai" meaning the new city.

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Krabi, located on southern Thailand's east coast, 800 kilometres south of Bangkok, abounds with countless natural attractions that never fail to impress tourists. Classic virgin beaches fringed with towering limestone formations, is an understatement to d

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Koh Samui

Koh Samui (Samui Island) is the third largest island in Thailand, with a area of 228.7 km², Only Phuket and Koh Chang are larger, and during the last decade it has become one of Southeast Asia 's premier tourist destinations.It is the island of three mill

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Phuket nestles in balmy Andaman Sea waters on Thailand's Indian Ocean coastline 862 kilometres south of Bangkok. Phuket formerly derived its wealth from tin and rubber, and enjoyed a rich and colourful history...

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Bangkok is always among the world’s top tourist destinations. The city is a true tourist paradise, proved by the growing number of travelers coming each year.

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